Create new learning standards

Districts can create a library of learning standards in the District view.

You might be able to import the standards from your state curriculum framework. Contact your state department of education for more information.

If your district uses Aspen IMS, you can align curriculum maps and lesson plans to these standards, as well as the Common Core and state standards provided by the Academic Benchmarks standards provider.

To create a new learning standard:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Select Assessment > Learning Standards.
  3. Select Options > Add. The New Learning Standard details page appears.
  1. Use this table to enter information in the fields:
  2. Field



    Type an identifier for the standard.


    Type the name of the document for this standard, such as the state name or Common Core.


    Type the name of the standard.


    Select the department the standard is associated with.

    Start grade

    Select the start grade. This grade is used as a reference when aligning standards to curriculum map topics and lesson plans.

    End grade

    Select the end grade. This grade is used as a reference when aligning standards to curriculum map topics and lesson plans.


    Enter the text that creates the categories, or filters, to make it easier for users to find the correct standard.

    This helps users select the standards when they align curriculum map topics and lesson plans to standards if your district has Aspen IMS.

    To create categories, type the text you want for the category names surrounded by quotation marks, such as High School. Then, to continue to put the standard in a more specific category, use the 'greater than' symbol to indicate the next name is within the first. For example, High School”>”Math means that the standard is found in the High School category, within the Math category, etc.


    Type the text that describes the standard.

    Rubric Criteria

    RubricDef > Name

    Click Multi-Add to select a rubric definition to align to this learning standard. This learning standard is then aligned to any assignments teachers associate with this criterion in the gradebook.
  1. Click Save.