Process pending PD course enrollments

As the staff member or administrator responsible for processing staff member requests to enroll in PDClosed Professional Development course sections, you can process all pending enrollments for a course section at one time.

Process pending enrollments for course sections after the enrollment close date of the section.

To process pending PD course section requests:

  1. Log on to the Personnel view.
  2. Click the PD Admin tab.
  3. Click the Sections side-tab.
  4. Select the section you want to process requests for, and click Requests on the Sections side-tab. A list of requests for the section appears.
    Note:  If there are more staff members requesting the course than the enrollment max for the course section, you must select the staff members you choose to enroll, and on the Options menu, click Show Selected. This way, you only process the enrollments of the staff members you select. You can select separately those you want to enroll, wait list, and deny.
  1. On the Options menu, click Process Pending Enrollments. The Process Pending Enrollments pop-up appears.

    Information for the section appears. Use this information to evaluate how you can process these requests.

  1. At the Response field, select one of the following to determine how you want to handle these requests:
    • Enrolled: The system enrolls the selected staff members in the course section.
    • Denied: The system does not enroll the selected staff members in the course section.
    • Waiting list: The system does not enroll the selected staff members in the course section and changes the status of their request to Waiting List. Then, you must manually process those requests at a later date if spaces become available.
  1. Click OK. The system sends the appropriate e-mail to each staff member, depending on the response you selected for them.